School of Arts
The School of Arts is a broad horizon for intellectual and cultural advancement, providing our students with a positive and enriched learning experience, encouraging them to develop strong critical thinking, analytical reasoning & interdisciplinary vision
Academic Faculty Staff
collapse Department of Arabic Language and Literature
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Abdel-Karim KhalifaHonorary Professor08/1966 Paris, FranceClick hereClick here24743 
Mahmoud SamraHonorary Professor11/1966 London, UKClick hereClick here 
Nihad Al-Musa Honorary Professor01/1969 Cairo, EgyptClick hereClick here24733 
Khalid AlKarakiProfessorClick hereClick here 
Abedel JAlil Abed ElmahdiProfessorClick hereClick here 
Hsain AtwanProfessorClick hereClick here 
Ibrahim AlSafeen ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Mahmoud AlmaghalsehProfessorClick hereClick here 
JAser Abu SafiahProfessorClick hereClick here 
Salah JarrarProfessor01/1995 London, UKClick hereClick here24626 
Jihad Shaher AL-majaliProfessor11/2000 University of Manchester, UKClick hereClick here24936 
Mohammad H. AwwadProfessor01/2002 Ain Shams, EgyptClick hereClick here 
Abdallah N. AnbarProfessor01/2010 University of Jordan, JordanClick hereClick here24747  
Mohammad Ahmad QudahProfessor03/2012 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1996Click hereClick here24755 
Shokri MadiProfessor05/2012 Egypt Click hereClick here 
Ibrahim M. KhalilProfessor06/2012 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1991Click hereClick here 
Ibrahim Mohammed Mahmoud Al-KofahiProfessor01/2013 University of Jordan / Jordan Click hereClick here 
Hamdi M. MansourProfessor06/2013 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1991Click hereClick here 
Suha Fathi As’a d Naj’ehProfessor07/2014 Click hereClick here 
Omar Abdallah Ahmad Al- FajjawiProfessor12/2014 Click hereClick here 
Basma A. S. DajaniProfessor01/2015 Click hereClick here 
Awni Subhi ALFauriProfessor09/2016 Jordan / The University of JordanClick hereClick here 
Mohammad AlsaoudiProfessor12/2017 Click hereClick here 
fatimam Mohamed Soliman AL-OlaimatProfessor12/2017 Jordan / The University of JordanClick hereClick here 
Hanan AmayrehProfessor01/2018 Click hereClick here 
Maha AutoomProfessor04/2018 Click hereClick here 
Fatima Al-OmariProfessor02/2019 Click hereClick here 
qutiba hbashnehProfessor09/2019 Click hereClick here 
Balqees KHaled Al-karakiProfessor01/2020 Cambridge ,Uk,2007Click hereClick here 
Ibrahim Al-RababahProfessor01/2020 Click hereClick here 
Sumaya Al-ShawabkehProfessor01/2020 Click hereClick here 
Firyal Abdullah Mahmood HudiebProfessor07/2020 Jordan / The University of JordanClick hereClick here 
Nizar Masned Arshied QpilatProfessor11/2020 Click hereClick here 
Sanaa ShalanProfessor06/2023 JordanClick hereClick here 
Jafar AbabnehAssociate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Mahmood Al HAdeedAssociate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
YAseen KhalilAssociate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
SAmeer Qutami Associate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Fawz Suheal NazzalAssociate Professor02/2001 University of Jordan, Jordan, 2001Click hereClick here24720 
Abdul Karim Hiyari Associate Professor05/2006 University of Cambridge - EnglandClick hereClick here23701 
Muna Muhilan Associate Professor01/2012 JordanClick hereClick here 
Mohammad Ali Sa’id Al-ShraydehAssociate Professor05/2012 Jordan / The University of JordanClick hereClick here 
Imtenan O. SmadiAssociate Professor07/2012 University of Jordan, Jordan, 2001Click hereClick here-24748  
Wafa' QtaishatAssociate Professor05/2013 Click hereClick here 
AlMuthanna AlasasfehAssociate Professor01/2014 Click hereClick here 
Mefleh AlfayezAssociate Professor01/2014 Click hereClick here 
Sami AbabnehAssociate Professor02/2016 Yarmouk University, JordanClick hereClick here 
Muna AlajramiAssociate Professor01/2018 Click hereClick here 
Nawal Alshawabkah Associate Professor02/2018 The university of Jordan , Jordan Click hereClick here 
Ismail AL-MazaidahAssociate Professor06/2019 Click hereClick here 
Yousef Hussein HamdanAssociate Professor09/2019 University of Edinburgh Click hereClick here24724 
Afnan AlnajjarAssociate Professor02/2020 Click hereClick here 
Lara ShafaqojAssociate Professor09/2020 The university of Jordan , JordanClick hereClick here 
AbdAllah Al-Shdaifat Associate Professor09/2020 BritainClick hereClick here24730 
abdullah Mane'Associate Professor10/2020 The University of Jordan , JordanClick hereClick here 
Murad AlbayyariAssociate Professor12/2022 Click hereClick here 
Mo'ath Al Zu'biAssociate Professor04/2023 Click hereClick here 
Sateh ThunebatAssociate Professor01/2025 JordanClick hereClick here 
Eyad Al'seelyAssistant Professor01/2020 Click hereClick here 
Ataallah AlhajayaAssistant Professor11/2020 Click hereClick here 
collapse Department of Philosophy
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Salman AlbdourHonorary Professor04/1994 Tehran, Iran, 1980Click hereClick here24927 
Waleed OtariProfessorClick hereClick here 
Ahmad MadiProfessorClick hereClick here 
Towfic Louis ShomarrProfessor03/2020 LondonClick hereClick here+9625355000 
Majeda OmarAssociate Professor07/2012 Edinburgh, UK, 2000Click hereClick here +962 (6) 5355000-24923  
Amer N. SHataraAssociate Professor04/2018 PhD Philosophy, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.Click hereClick here24924  
Derar BaniyaseenAssociate Professor03/2019 University of Jordan Click hereClick here 
Maha Ahmad Omar SamhouriAssociate Professor10/2020 Amman - JordanClick hereClick here24922 
Zaid ZreqatAssociate Professor10/2020 Click hereClick here 
George El-far Associate Professor08/2022 Click hereClick here24928 
Duaa Khalil AliAssistant Professor05/2021 JordanClick hereClick here 
Hamed DababsehAssistant Professor08/2021 JordanClick hereClick here 
collapse Department of History
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Mohammad Adnan Al-BakhitHonorary Professor09/1983 University of London, UK, 1972Click hereClick here21066  
Mohammed Abdo HatamlehHonorary Professor02/1984 Complutense, Spain, 1969Click hereClick here 
Ali MahafzahHonorary Professor09/2008 La Sorbonne Pantheon, France, 1980Click hereClick here24860 
Saleh DaradkehHonorary Professor09/2008 Al-Azhar, Egypt, 1977Click hereClick here 
Mohammad Al khreisatProfessorClick hereClick here 
Faleh HusseinProfessor01/1995 Heidelberg, Germany, 1982Click hereClick here 
Abdel Majeed Al-ShannagProfessor11/2001 Hamburg, Germany, 1986Click hereClick here24852  
Ghaida'a Adel "Kazneh Katbi"Professor01/2010 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1992Click hereClick here24858 
Salameh NaimatProfessor01/2013 UK, 1991Click hereClick here24867  
Ibrahim Fa'our Al-ShraahProfessor04/2014 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1999Click hereClick here24851 
Isam M. N. OglahProfessor07/2014 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1998Click hereClick here24863  
Yousif Ahmad BaniyasinProfessor07/2014 University of Jordan, Jordan, 1999Click hereClick here +962 (6) 5355000-24853  
Muhannad MabideenProfessor12/2014 JordanClick hereClick here 
Hanan Sulaiman MalkawiProfessor01/2020 University of Jordan, Jordan, 2001Click hereClick here+962 (6) 5355000-24874  
Mona HammadAssociate Professor08/2001 Pennsylvania, USA, 1987Click hereClick here24861 
Fawzi Khaled Ali Altawwahia Associate Professor12/2015 University of Jordan / JordanClick hereClick here24906 
EMAN ABD EL-RAHMAN HAYAJNEHAssociate Professor08/2019 (Erciyes University KAYSERI) TurkeyClick hereClick here24973 
AbedAlhadi Alqaideh Associate Professor09/2020 Click hereClick here24858 
Almahdi AlrawadiehAssociate Professor01/2023 Click hereClick here 
Safeiah AlsalameenLecturer01/2022 Click hereClick here 
AMJAD MEMDOUH MOHAMED AL-FAOURILecturer01/2023 JordanClick hereClick here 
Mazen Al-FarajatLecturer02/2024 JordanClick hereClick here 
collapse Department of Sociology
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Ayed Alwreqat ProfessorClick hereClick here24888 
Khalil DarwishProfessorClick hereClick here 
Majd Aldeen KhameshProfessorClick hereClick here 
Mohammad EldeqsProfessorClick hereClick here 
Abed Elmahdi AlsoudiProfessorClick hereClick here 
Edrees AlazzamProfessorClick hereClick here 
Helmi K. SariProfessorEngland Click hereClick here 
Issa S. AlmasarwehProfessor03/2008 Utah State, USA, 1988Click hereClick here24885  
Mohammed TarawnehProfessor01/2014 Click hereClick here 
Musa ShteiwiProfessor05/2016 Cincinnati, USA, 1991Click hereClick here24881 
Ismail AlzyoudProfessor09/2020 Lebanon Click hereClick here+9625355000 
Rula Odeh Alsawalqa Professor12/2022 Click hereClick here 
Mohammed Ahmad Al-ArabiAssociate Professor10/2000 Pennsylvania, USA, 1987Click hereClick here24876 
MONA IZZAT SEINEAssociate Professor10/2020 The University of Jordan , JordanClick hereClick here24987 
Rania JaberAssociate Professor12/2020 Click hereClick here24887 
Maisaa Alrawashdeh Associate Professor12/2020 Jordan -The University Of Jordan Click hereClick here24878 
Rakan Abu OrabiAssistant Professor01/2022 Click hereClick here 
collapse Department of Geography
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Hassan SalehHonorary Professor01/2011 university of Durham; UK(1969)Click hereClick here24983 
Ali H.D. ANBAR ProfessorUniversity of Southampton, U.K.,1983Click hereClick here24963 
Sameeh OdehProfessorClick hereClick here 
KAyed Abu SabhaProfessorClick hereClick here 
Hasan RamadanProfessorClick hereClick here 
Yahya FarhanProfessor10/1988 Wales, UK, 1976Click hereClick here24958 
Musa SamhaProfessor09/1990 Durham, UK, 1979Click hereClick here24962 
Nasim F. BarhamProfessor03/1997 Hanover, Germany, 1979Click hereClick here24960 
Hasan Y. J. Abu-SammourProfessor08/2001 University of Bucharest/ Romania Click hereClick here24957 /24955 
Ali AlananzehProfessor01/2010 Birmingham University, UKClick hereClick here 
Ali Ahmad GhanemProfessor08/2013 UNL, USA, 1989Click hereClick here24954 
Nazeeh Ibrahim Al manasyehProfessor03/2019 Human GeographyClick hereClick here24969  
Hussam AL-BILBISIProfessor07/2019 Chiba University –Japan 2004Click hereClick here24967  
Zeyad MakhamrehProfessor10/2019 Applied Environmental Science Remote Sensing and GISClick hereClick here24919 
Dalal Ali ZuriekatProfessor01/2020 Click hereClick here24959 
Yusra Al-Hosban Professor08/2020 Click hereClick here24959 
Hamzah Ali Khawaldah Professor01/2022 (Ph.D) in Urban Planning & GIS School of Geography University of Leeds, UK.Click hereClick here 
Abdel Fattah L. AbdallahAssociate Professor08/1999 Univ. of Oklahoma Norman-U.S.A-1985Click hereClick here24956 
Nidal Alzboun Associate Professor12/2020 Clemson University, USA.Click hereClick here24965 
Wissam Al-HayekAssistant Professor01/2020 Click hereClick here 
Hind Khalid AlsarayrehAssistant Professor05/2022 Click hereClick here 
Ibrahim FarhanLecturer09/2022 Click hereClick here24960 
collapse Department of Psychology
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Yousef A AbuhmaidanProfessorPhD in Psychology ( Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Modification) from Western Michigan University. Click hereClick here24980 
Dr. Abatah Daher ProfessorIndiana, PA. USA. Click hereClick here24974 
Mohammed Beni YonisProfessor05/2006 Moscow State University, Russia, 1996Click hereClick here. 24978  
Marwan T. Al-ZoubiProfessor12/2016 UK 2005Click hereClick here24973 
Ahmad Al-Sheikh AliProfessor06/2023 The university of Jordan Click hereClick here24977 
Arwa AlamryAssociate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Fares Hilmy Associate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Mohammed A. Shoqeirat Associate Professor09/2012 University of Manchester, UK.Click hereClick here24973 
Ashraf F. Alqudah, Ph. D.Associate Professor04/2014 U.S.A., 2007 Click hereClick here 
Reyad Alwreaikat Associate Professor01/2015 Click hereClick here 
Feras AlhabeisAssociate Professor04/2023 egyptClick hereClick here24977 
Somaya Al-Ja’afrehAssistant Professor06/2017 Click hereClick here 
Ahmad AbudoushAssistant Professor10/2023 Click hereClick here 
collapse Department of Social Work
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Fakir Al GharaibehEmeritus ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Hammoud OlimatProfessor12/2010 CanadaClick hereClick here 
Lubna Akroush Professor09/2015 Click hereClick here 
KHalil ALhlalatAssociate Professor05/2018 EgyptClick hereClick here24988 
talal Alqdah Associate Professor09/2019 McGill / CanadaClick hereClick here24988 
Ann M. Al-NajdawiAssociate Professor02/2020 United Kingdom, ScotlandClick hereClick here 
Manal AlanabtawiAssociate Professor02/2020 United Kingdom / University of KentClick hereClick here 
Huda Alhajjaj Associate Professor05/2023 Jordan / The University of JordanClick hereClick here 
Mahmoud KafaweenAssistant Professor04/2015 Click hereClick here 
Reham Abu GhaboushAssistant Professor01/2020 Click hereClick here 
Haya TarawnehAssistant Professor10/2023 Click hereClick here 
Nesreen Nabiel AttiehAssistant Professor10/2023 Click hereClick here 
Ibrahim AladraTeacher12/2022 Jordan / The University of JordanClick hereClick here 
collapse Department of Journalism, Media, and Digital Communication
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension
Tahseen MansourProfessorJordanClick hereClick here 
Ibrahim Abu Arqoup Head Of THe DepartmentProfessor09/2013 Northwestern / USAClick hereClick here24988 
Hanadi Ahmad AldreabiAssistant Professor01/2023 Click hereClick here24930 
Yasmin AldamenAssistant Professor04/2023 Click hereClick here 
Neven HalalshehAssistant Professor03/2024 Click hereClick here 
Administrative Faculty Staff
collapse Faculty Deanship Satff
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
AbduAllah Alzbeadichief of staff24904 
Botheina Ahmed 
Mamdooh AlZbaiycopying and photocopying 
Mohammad Salem Ahmad Al_HurLab 
Noor SharafLab 
Amal Ibrahim Al_ShoubakiOffice worker 
Ola TbaishatSecretary Dean of the Faculty of Arts24920 
Reem Mosleh Al_AzzehSecretary of Assistant Dean for Students Affairs 
Tharwa Abu JaberSecretary of Deputy Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific 
Bilal Al Dabaswarehouse guard24909 
collapse Faculty Deanship Satff Philosophy
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Maisa JarabshehSecretary of Department of Philosophy24933 
collapse Faculty Deanship Satff History
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Hazem AlnseratSecretary of History department 
collapse Department of
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Elham Al Ammourysecretary for Professor Ali Mahafzah
collapse Department of Arabic Language and Literature
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Asma'a Ahmad Ali Al_NjdawiSecretary of the Department of Arabic language and literature
collapse Department of Sociology
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
RAwda GhananemSecretary of the Department of sociology249888
collapse Department of Geography
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Nancy Hanna Ayoub Lab
Suhad HabbobSecretary of the Department of Geography24955
collapse Department of Psychology
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Khalid AlomarySecretary24977
collapse Department of Social Work
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Eman Taha JodaSecretary of the Department of social
collapse Department of Journalism, Media, and Digital Communication
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Ahmad GhonmeenSecretary