شارك الاستاذ الدكتور محمد القضاة أستاذ النقد والادب الحديث في المؤتمر الدولي الذي عقد في جامعة لندن في الفترة الواقعة بين 19-22/2017 والمعنوان ب "
International Conference On Ecoconiticism and Environmental Studies
وقدم ورقة مشتركة بعنوان:
The Realm of Wilderness in My Antonia by Willa Cather
This article is an Ecocritical Study of My Antoniathat tries to depict the influence of nature and wilderness on the heroine Antonia, and how she overcomes all the difficulties in her life by relying on the strength of nature that surrounds her in a new environment. Antonia Shemirda,the protagonist, found herself away from her homeland “Bohemia” trying to adapt with her new surroundings, the environmental context is evident in Cather's scenes where gardens and rivers impact mankind. The character of Antonia is colored by the magic of the wilderness where she has grown up.
As an immigrant, Antonia portrays in a distinguished way the life of immigrants who found themselves in a new country and succeeded in creating their own world that impacts other immigrants to adapt with their new environment. Ecocritical studies have proven that critics can no more deny the importance of nature in every literary work. It stands side by side with the importance of time, place and space that play an important role in every work. My Antonia is one of the novels that have proven the importance of nature in creating the personality of people, as itpresents descriptive image of life on the Prairie. The events of the novel were tangled amazingly with the tiny details of nature to emphasize on the importance of environment in creating the whole world of the novel.
كما ترأس الدكتور القضاة جلسة محور اللغة العربية بين التواصلية ومكونات الهوية في المؤتمر الثامن للبحث العلمي في الاردن الذي عقد في رحاب الجامعة الاردنية يوم السبت 11/11/2017 وشارك فيها الاستاذ الدكتور مصلح النجار والاستاذ الدتور عمر الفجاوي والدكتورة افنان النجار والدكتورة فاطمة العمري، وجرى حوار بين المشاركين والحضور حول قضايا اللغة العربية والهوية وعصرنة اللغة العربية وآفاقها ، فضلا عن قراءة محايدة لكتب اللغة العربية للصفوف السابع والثامن والتاسع، وكان الحوار ثمرة مهمة لدور العربية في البناء الثقافي والمعرفي لهذه الأمة,