The School of Arts is a broad horizon for intellectual and cultural advancement, providing our students with a positive and enriched learning experience, encouraging them to develop strong critical thinking, analytical reasoning & interdisciplinary vision |
The Faculty of Arts has its magic once it draws the coming future. A civilized culture, a prosperous language, and a distinguished identity, A goodly nation, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches reach the sky.
Political Reform, National Security, Jordanian Personality, Nationalism.
Intellectual Awareness and Commitment to the mission of the Great Arab Revolt are the Distinctive Features of Jordanian.
The University of Jordan constitutes a move towards an International University. This move towards an international university came in response to the global changes and in accordance with the vision of His Majestey King Abdullah II who calls for integrating information technology in education.
The Faculty of Arts believes that political development is a national message that Jordanian universities should hold upon their shoulders. Universities are supposed to initiate projects that cope with the world’s changes.
Department of social work |
Overview | | |
During the last three decades Jordan has witnessed a profound social, economic, and demographic changes. As a result of these changes some social problems have emerged, such as. Family deterioration (violence, increasing divorce), increasing rate of poverty, and rate of disadvantaged people ……etc .
Within this context, university of Jordan Felt the importance of establishing an academic social work program in order to provide the society with professional social workers.
In 1998 u ...More | |